Dhirendra Brahmachari

Dhirendra Brahmachari

The details of his birth are not fully known, however some sources say he was born in the heart of a respected family of Brahmans in Chandpura, a small town in Bihar in the north of India. Others say he came from a small village in Cachemira. There is no registration on the day of his birth and during his life there was speculation about his real age. He never spoke much about his past, but when he remembered his childhood, he used to say that he was a mischievous boy with a great desire for adventure that put him into difficult and dangerous situations many times.

When he was twelve years old, after reading the Bhagavad Gita, the words that Krishna tells Arjuna in a passage left him deeply marked: “The truth is that a Yogin is Superior to Tapasvins (those who observe austerities), the Gnyanis (those with knowledge) and the Karmakandis (those who perform ceremony rituals). For this reason you should try to convert yourself into a Yogin!”

So he decided to covert himself into a Yogi, beginning an arduous path with great devotion and profound interest that led him to abandon his family in search of his Guru (spiritual preceptor).

After many years of intense searching and the fight between light and darkness, he met his Guru Maharshi Kartikeya, who’s Ashram was in Gomal-Khera, some 12 kilometres from Lucknow and there he was initiated in the secrets of Yoga. He practised Pranayama in an underground cave and arriving to a state of perfect mental balance he entered into the highest realms of Yoga converting himself into a Swami and a Siddha Yogi. After this and under the indications of Maharshiji Kartikeya he began to propagate the teachings of Vyayama Yoga.

In the capital of Bengala Calcutta he published his first work "Yoga Sukshma Vyayama" in 1956. After this he transferred to New Delhi where he founded the Vishwayatan Ashram that today is named the Morarji Desai National Institute of Yoga. He became mentor for Indira Gandhi and her family and in 1970 he published his second book "Yogasana Vijnana", about the correct practise of Yoga Postures.

In 1982-83, during the Indira Gandhi mandate, Dhirendra Brahmachari presented a programme about Yoga once a week on a Hindu state television channel, which was incredibly popular.

It was in New Delhi where Shri Swami Shankaranandaji contacted Dhirendra Brahmachari and received instruction from him about Vyayama Yoga. In 1994 he abandoned this physical plane.



Sukshma Vyayama

Subtle Yoga Sukshma Vyayama of Dhirendra Brahmachari
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